搜尋:mO 在 影音 分類當中


LO_004_0008, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0008, Denma Locho Rinpo...

the Subduer's Teaching, Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning, Delighting the Fortunate bsam gzugs chen mo.....more

LO_004_0006, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0006, Denma Locho Rinpo...

the Subduer's Teaching, Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning, Delighting the Fortunate bsam gzugs chen mo.....more

LO_004_0002, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0002, Denma Locho Rinpo...

the Subduer's Teaching, Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning, Delighting the Fortunate bsam gzugs chen mo.....more

LO_004_0010, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0010, Denma Locho Rinpo...

the Subduer's Teaching, Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning, Delighting the Fortunate bsam gzugs chen mo.....more

LO_004_0009, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0009, Denma Locho Rinpo...

the Subduer's Teaching, Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning, Delighting the Fortunate bsam gzugs chen mo.....more

LO_004_0012, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0012, Denma Locho Rinpo...

the Subduer's Teaching, Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning, Delighting the Fortunate bsam gzugs chen mo.....more

LO_004_0011, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0011, Denma Locho Rinpo...

the Subduer's Teaching, Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning, Delighting the Fortunate bsam gzugs chen mo.....more

LO_004_0013, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0013, Denma Locho Rinpo...

the Subduer's Teaching, Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning, Delighting the Fortunate bsam gzugs chen mo.....more

YT_005_0005, Kensur Yeshe Tupden seminar on Madhyamika 中觀研討

YT_005_0005, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Special Insight (lhag mthong chen mo) FileType:mp3 SampleRate:44.1 KHz SingleStereo:single AudioBitRate.....more

YT_005_0002, Kensur Yeshe Tupden seminar on Madhyamika 中觀研討

YT_005_0002, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Special Insight (lhag mthong chen mo) FileType:mp3 SampleRate:44.1 KHz SingleStereo:single AudioBitRate.....more

YT_005_0003, Kensur Yeshe Tupden seminar on Madhyamika 中觀研討

YT_005_0003, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Special Insight (lhag mthong chen mo) FileType:mp3 SampleRate:44.1 KHz SingleStereo:single AudioBitRate.....more

YT_005_0001, Kensur Yeshe Tupden seminar on Madhyamika 中觀研討

YT_005_0001, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Special Insight (lhag mthong chen mo) FileType:mp3 SampleRate:44.1 KHz SingleStereo:single AudioBitRate.....more

YT_005_0004, Kensur Yeshe Tupden seminar on Madhyamika 中觀研討

YT_005_0004, Kensur Yeshe Tupd...

of Special Insight (lhag mthong chen mo) FileType:mp3 SampleRate:44.1 KHz SingleStereo:single AudioBitRate.....more



澎湖 褒歌 數位化執行單位:國立澎湖科技大學 觀光休閒系 採集時間:1995-03-11 講述者:薛楊腰 離開故鄉欲來享受 採集地點:西嶼鄉赤馬村 歌詞:離 開 故 鄉 欲 來 享 受, 歌詞:li.....more



澎湖 褒歌 數位化執行單位:國立澎湖科技大學 觀光休閒系 講述者:曾(手表) 阿娘生做媠噹噹 採集地點:白沙鄉中屯村 歌詞:男:阿 娘 生 做 媠 噹 噹, 歌詞:a1-7 niu5 sinn1-7.....more


mO 在 影音 分類當中 的相關搜尋