搜尋:45 在 影音 分類當中


GM_009_0005, Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds 入菩薩行

GM_009_0005, Gyumay Kensur Los...

(boddhisattvacaryavatrara) Medium:56: digital file Quantity:1 File Duration:00:45:45 FileSize:472,791 Kb.....more

NL_003_0039, Kensur Nawang Lekden teaching Jam-yang-shay-bas Great Exposition of the Middle Way

NL_003_0039, Kensur Nawang Lek...

of Emptiness, Entrance for the Medium:56: digital file Quantity:1 file Duration:00:45:45 FileType:wav.....more

LA_002_0041, Lati Rinpoche on Concentrations and Formless Absorptions 禪定與無色界定

LA_002_0041, Lati Rinpoche on ...

of the Concentration Medium:56: digital file Quantity:1 file Duration:00:45:45 FileType:mp3 FileDesc:u: preserve.....more

GL_003_0004, Geshe Gendun Lodro on Calm Abiding and Special Insight 止觀

GL_003_0004, Geshe Gendun Lodr...

: digital file Quantity:1 File Duration:00:45:45 FileSize:472,887 Kb SampleRate:44.1 KHz AudioBitRate:1.....more

GL_003_0012, Geshe Gendun Lodro on Calm Abiding and Special Insight 止觀

GL_003_0012, Geshe Gendun Lodr...

: digital file Quantity:1 File Duration:00:45:45 FileSize:472,938 Kb SampleRate:44.1 KHz AudioBitRate:1.....more

GM_001_0018 Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on Collected Topics 辯經

GM_001_0018 Gyumay Kensur Losa...

: Snow Lion Publications, 1989) Medium:56: digital file Quantity:1 File Duration:00:45:45 FileSize.....more

GM_006_0015, Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on The Tantric System of Grounds and Paths 密續之道次第

GM_006_0015, Gyumay Kensur Los...

of Secret Mantra (ngag gi sa lam) Medium:56: digital file Quantity:1 File Duration:00:45:45 FileSize.....more

GM_006_0033, Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on The Tantric System of Grounds and Paths 密續之道次第

GM_006_0033, Gyumay Kensur Los...

of Secret Mantra (ngag gi sa lam) Medium:56: digital file Quantity:1 File Duration:00:45:45 FileSize.....more

GM_006_0037, Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on The Tantric System of Grounds and Paths 密續之道次第

GM_006_0037, Gyumay Kensur Los...

of Secret Mantra (ngag gi sa lam) Medium:56: digital file Quantity:1 File Duration:00:45:45 FileSize.....more

狩獵-舞宴管絃樂總譜電子稿2005 p.45

狩獵-舞宴管絃樂總譜電子稿2005 ...

樂譜 交響樂譜 臺灣本土音樂家之影音典藏-李泰祥大師(交響樂篇) 典藏單位、數位化執行單位:國立交通大學圖書館 數位化檔案數量及單位:1件48頁p.45 數位化類型與格式:影像,TIFF 數位化檔案.....more

LA_001_0030, La-ti-Rin-po-che-bsdus-grwa-at-UVa

LA_001_0030, La-ti-Rin-po-che-...

Medium:56: digital file Quantity:1 file Duration:00:45:45 FileType:mp3 FileDesc:u: preserve FileName.....more

LA_001_0036, La-ti-Rin-po-che-bsdus-grwa-at-UVa

LA_001_0036, La-ti-Rin-po-che-...

mtsho, "tshad ma'i gzhun Medium:56: digital file Quantity:1 file Duration:00:45:55 FileType:mp3.....more

GM_005_0026, Gyumay Kensur Losang Wangdu on The Sutra System of Grounds and Paths 顯教的道次第

GM_005_0026, Gyumay Kensur Los...

:56: digital file Quantity:1 File Duration:00:45:45 FileSize:472,838 Kb SampleRate:44.1 KHz.....more

JH_001_0008, Jeffrey Hopkins on Nga-wang-bel-dens Grounds and Paths of Secret Mantra 密續之道次地

JH_001_0008, Jeffrey Hopkins o...

: digital file Quantity:1 File Duration:00:45:45 FileSize:236,419 Kb SampleRate:44.1 KHz AudioBitRate.....more

LO_004_0002, Denma Locho Rinpoche on the Concentrations and Meditative Absorptions 禪定與根本定

LO_004_0002, Denma Locho Rinpo...

file Duration:00:45:45 FileSize:236,455 Kb Recording Date:1988 voice Speaker:Denma Locho Rinpoche.....more

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45 在 影音 分類當中 的相關搜尋