



外文關鍵詞:Gold and silver paper
外文關鍵詞:Picture art
外文關鍵詞:The folks believes in
外文關鍵詞:Life etiquette and custom
外文關鍵詞:The season of the year old is vulgar
外文關鍵詞:Folk medical treatment
中文摘要:「生命禮俗」與「歲時節俗」是一般民眾生活當中重要的兩大禮俗,而金銀紙是禮俗中人們與先祖、神祇之間溝通的媒介物,廣為社會大眾所奉行,只不過,在社會結構快速變遷,及信仰意識型態的轉移下,此古老的禮俗在形式上已產生差異和變化,有寄於此,本研究希冀透過人類學田野調查,配合歷史文獻,結合「台灣金銀紙文化」與其「圖像藝術」二方面來作一綜合性的論述,以討論民間信仰與金銀紙的關係,一方面目的在於務使金銀紙的使用合乎禮俗,另一方面則在觀念上統理出簡單的模式與正確的態度,進而提倡社會善良風俗與端正社會風氣,因此,本論文在研究過程中,為了能完整且深入的分析,在章節安排上,分成六個章節來論述,每個章節內容重點如下: 第一章是「緒論」,說明研究動機、目的,配合相關文獻與理論之探討,並簡述研究範圍、內容、方法與步驟,鋪陳出論文整體架構,以便研究主題之開展。第二章是談論「台灣金銀紙文化產業的發展與現況」,透過文獻解讀出金銀紙起源、發展、演變,乃至於流傳到台灣,在台灣生根發展,並經由田野調查,敘述現今台灣金銀紙產業現況。第三章是談述及「金銀紙的文化功能」,整理金銀紙在民間信仰、生命禮俗、歲時節俗與民俗醫療等四項層面上的文化功能,在民間信仰方面,探討金銀紙於民間信仰與祭祖的使用與涵意;在生命禮俗方面,從生育禮、成年禮、婚禮、喪葬禮著手,整理出表格;在歲時節俗方面,分春夏秋冬四季,條列整理成表格;在民俗醫療方面,如收驚、消災解厄、過關除煞等等一般民眾經常使用的民俗醫療,整理一系列關係。第四章是「金銀紙的圖像分類與分析」,筆者收集六大類四百七十九種金銀紙,以圖像分析與符號分析為研究方法,並藉著分類,解析出圖像中的內涵意義與價值,歸納出符號中的象徵意涵與抽象概念,來解釋圖像與民間信仰的關聯。第五章是談及「金銀紙文化之當前趨勢」,從社會層面與文化層面探討金銀紙文化的當前問題。在社會層面,針對環保問題的高漲、產業的沒落與轉型、社會風氣的影響等三大議題,討論金銀紙產業的難題。在文化層面上,從社區總體營造、當代藝術等兩項主題,陳述金銀紙文化的再造。第六章是「結論」,陳述預期研究成果,作一理論性的分析總結,作為後續研究之伏筆。 總之,焚燒物品獻祭天地鬼神以為使用由來已久,且唐宋時紙錢的焚燒使用,皆可知其火祭文化的傳承性及延續性,而臺灣傳承此風俗也有百年之久,其紙錢的消耗年年呈幾何倍數成長,這反映的心理冀求就如同金銀紙上的圖像,有著祈子延壽、納福招財、驅邪禳災等三種功利傾向的意涵,當然,人們透過敬天法祖追求祈福消災的同時,也顯現對生命的尊重,對死去的生命有著恭敬之心,透過圖像的細膩呈現,表達使用者虔誠的心,藉由人們的使用,傳達圖像作者期望生命繁榮、平安順利的意向,這些圖像的功能在於實現對神明所表達的願望,透過補償以達到心理平衡的狀態,並且凝聚並加強信仰的力量。
英文摘要:"The life etiquette and custom" and"the season of year old is vulgar" is people in general to live the in the middle and important two greatest etiquette and customses, and the gold and silver paper is the etiquette and custom middlemanseses with first medium thing of a communication of 祖 ,god, wide is carried out by society, just, fast change in social structure, and believe in to realize the type transfers under, this ancient etiquette and custom has already produced the difference and variety on the form, sending here, this research craves for to investigate through the anthropology countryside, matching with the history cultural heritage, combine"the Taiwanese gold and silver paper culture" and its"the picture art" two aspects to make one synthetic treatise, to discuss the relation between the folks faith and the gold and silver paper, on the other hand purpose's lying in must the usage of the gold and silver paper conform to the etiquette and custom, on the other hand then on the idea the 統 manages simple mode and the attitude of the exactitude, then promoting the social kind customs and regular social values, therefore, this thesis is in studying process, for the sake of ability complete and thorough analysis, arrange in the chapter up, be divided into six chapterses to discuss, each chapter content point is as follows: Chapter 1 is"introduction", the explanation studies the motive,purpose, matching with the related cultural heritage and the study of the theories, and JIAN3 SHU4's range of research,content,method and step, spreads the whole structure that Chen pays the thesis, for the purpose of the research topic it opens the exhibition.Chapter 2 discuss"the development and current conditions of the Taiwanese gold and silver paper cultural industry", reading the gold and silver paper origins and develop,turn into through the cultural heritage, is as for spread Taiwan, take root the development in Taiwan, and investigate through the countryside, the description is Taiwanese gold and silver paper industry current conditions at present.Chapter 3 talks to say and"the cultural function of the gold and silver paper", the sorting gold and silver paper believes in in the folks,the vulgar and folk medical treatment of the season of life etiquette and custom,year old etc. four cultural functions of levels, believe in the aspect in the folks, the usage and the meanings that inquire into the gold and silver paper to believe in and worship ancestors in the folks;At the life etiquette and custom aspect, from grow the gift and become adult the gift,wedding,the funeral gift to begin, tidy up the form;The vulgar aspect of season in year old, divide into the summer of spring the autumn the winter the four seasons, a row tidies up the form;At the folk medical treatment aspect, if accept surprised,prevent disaster to solve the 厄 and pass in addition to very etc. the people in general usually use of folk medical treatment, the sorting a series relate to.Chapter 4 is"the picture of the gold and silver paper classification and analysis", the writer collects 479 kinds of gold and silver paperses of six major type, with picture analyze to analyze with sign for study the method, and by classification, analyze the content in the picture meaning and be worth, induce the symbol in the sign meaning and abstract idea, explain the connection of the picture and the folks faith.Chapter 5 speaks about"the current trend of the gold and silver paper culture", from the live issue of the social level and the cultural level study gold and silver paper culture.At the social level, the upsurge,industry that aims at the environmental protection problem declines with the influence of the transformation,social values etc. three greatest subject, the difficult problem of the discussion gold and silver paper industry.On the cultural level, etc. from the total construction,contemporary art of the community two topics, illustrate the giving a new life of the gold and silver paper culture.Chapter 6 is"conclusion", illustrating the expectation research result, making one ories and analytical summary, being the foreshadowing of follow-up research. In fine, burns the article to dedicate the fiesta world ghost God to think the usage already a long time, and Tang the incineration usage of the paper money of hour of Song, all can know spreading of its fire fiesta culture accepts sex and continue sex, and Taiwan spreads to accept this customs to also has the long a hundred years, the depletion of its paper money presents several multiple growth year by year, the mental state of this reflection hopes to beg like the picture of the gold and silver paper, having the 祈 son postpones the life,the 納 blessing to recruit the wealth,exorcise the 禳 disaster etc. three kinds of utility tendency of meaning, certainly, people through respect a method 祖 pursues to pray to prevent disaster meanwhile, also presenting the respect toward the life, hasing the polite heart towards the life that depart fromthis life, through the picture of delicate present, expression the user godliness of heart, by the people's usage, inform the picture, the author expects the life prosperity,peaceful and smooth intention, the function of these pictures lies in carrying out to the wishes that the god expresses, through compensate with the appearance of reaching the mental state balance, and coagulate and strengthen the devotional strength.


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