英文摘要:This study was carried out to research the four temples located in the Yang-Mei Township of the Taoyuan County: San-Yuan Temple ﹙Tou-Chung Stream﹚, San-Yuan Temple ﹙Shan-Hu﹚, Chi-Ming Temple and Chi-I Shrine. Temples in Taiwan not only serve as the center of religious beliefs, they also are closely tied to the developments of the local community. The beauty of local arts and literature created through various temple activities can motivate human spirits and cultivate great sentiments. Individuals are embraced by the dignified atmosphere of temples, which builds up the traces of culture and history. This study was composed of five sections: first, the introduction of the author’s research motivation and methods, as well as the definition of key words; second, the literature review; third, the discussion of the meaning of specific temple decorations; fourth, the construction history and worship ceremonies of the four named temples in the Yang-Mei Township; and finally, the significance of the temple culture in the Yang-Mei Township. Starting with the decoration symbols of the four named temples, the author examined each temple to illustrate its history, the construction process, main worship gods, and the scrolls on the temple’s pillars. Original references of stories about the temple painting and sculpture were included to help explain the content of the stories. Illustrations and detailed site maps of specific temple scrolls featured in the stories were also attached for further reference. The study was concluded with the author’s suggestions. It is the author’s hope that, while pursuing their religious beliefs, individuals can have a better understanding of the historical, cultural, artistic, and religious significance of the four named temples, as well as a greater appreciation for the value of our cultural heritage. Key words: temple, temples located in the Yang-Mei Township , the story about sculpture and painting, The meaning of specific temple decorations