英文摘要:The Gu Niáng temples offer the solitary females who weren not sacrificed. People want to transfer the terrible ghosts to helpful goddesses by construting temples to worship them.Through the effective fables which were spread in populaces, the gu niáng temples that are full of incese and candles become prosperous. Moreover,they have become the local religion,and the pilgrims come unceasingly. The paper primarily researches the Gu Niáng temples in Tainan area to discuss the formation of the belief and the fables to the main sacrifice, Gu Niáng Ma,and study the significane in our custom and culture. First,according to the folks belief to Gu Niáng Ma in Tainan area,this article was divided into the view of soul,the worship to ghosts,and the sacrifice for the females who weren’t offered,we research the actual situation they were offered in the field.Then,from the mythologies of the míng hun,becoming a goddess,and building the temple,this article discusses the subjects that the girls died young unfortunately and theunmarried girls souls were arrange properly.Because of these effective fables,being buried in a proper place and becoming a goddess,and so on, Gu Niáng Ma could be transfermed to a goddess. The salvation and the fragmentary offers are also gradually transferred to the regional publice sacrifice.Because they have been worshippes for a long time and their prestige rises,we can find the tendency that they have been changed into the regional temples which have a lot of pilgrims. Furthermore,under the vicissitude of social space and time,either because of the idea of belief,or because of the local fables, Gu Niáng Ma were transformed in all sorts of opportunities,and they have different developments.By the relationship between the Gu Niáng temples and the local populaces in Tainan area,we explain that the worship with incense and candles and the ceremony reflect that Gu Niáng temples have the social cultural significance of public sacrifice,And they also reflect the populaces value in their innermost minds and present the manifestation of the local culture.