英文摘要:During the period of the Japanese occupation, Taiwan’s theaters had arisen a historical trend of female theater performances. Female actresses were eagerly appreciated and welcomed by audiences, and the foundation was developed on the earlier Taiwanese geishas that they were classified at the prostitute-rank. Originated from the skills and talents of the Chinese prostitutes culture, Taiwanese theatrical actresses mainly entertained the customer by the way of chanting verse and playing musical instruments. They also walked into the folk performing site to play “yi-ge” characters, and subsequently demonstrated their talents in new generation media such as recording and movie industries, as well as performing on radio broadcasting stations, just like the all-round development of nowadays actresses/actors. During that period of time, they were influenced by Shanghai’s female actresses and started walking up to the theater to play Chinese opera characters. Not only that they became real amateur actresses, but also enhanced the development of the art of Chinese opera in Taiwan’s acting theater. Besides, the performances of Shanghai’s female companies in Taiwan further influenced and brought in the fashion of establishing Taiwanese female theatrical companies, and thereafter developed a female theatrical history in the Japanese occupation period. Therefore, Taiwanese geishas were not only the main contributors, but also an initiation for creating this historical path. Thus, the life of performances about Taiwanese geishas and actresses are the aim of this article which attempts to recollect, scrutinize, analyze and justify their cultural essence, theatrical journey, and biases and gossips people had on them.