英文摘要:This paper is an interdisciplinary study on human settlements across many realms. This research selects Kocubo(許厝埔)League of 12 villages in eastern Lukang as the domain for investigation. In the traditional society of Taiwan, there are three types of human settlements:village (zhuang), market town (jie), and walled city (cheng).Because of the social insecurity in early Taiwan, a league of villages is a network of alliance among villages.There are four leagues of villages surrounding the traditional Lukang market town, specifically as the Upper League of 12 Villages,Kocubo League of 12 Villages, Dang-ua"-liao(同安寮)League of 12 Villages, and League of 5 Villages. Though Kocubo had been plowed in early Ching dynasty by Hsu, lou-der from Zhangzhou Province of Mainland China, due to ethnic strife and conflicts,it later became the area of 12 villages for the Hsu people, who came from Yaolin Town or Shiguei Township in Jing jian County of Quan-zhou District. Early Kocubo League of 12 Villages was an organization for the Hsu''s clansmen.Now, the Kocubo League of 12 Villages consists of two schools of worship:Sua"-a-kong(山仔公)and twenty-kong(廿公). And, its yearly significant event is to make a renewal of the symbols of divine troops so that the identity and cohesion of the Kocubo league of 12 villages could be united. Up to today, its 36 symbols of divine troops are the grandest system of installing the symbols of the divine troops in Taiwan that have ever been established over the years. The distribution of divine troops suggests the territorial space of Kocubo League of 12 Villages where the 12 villages also install their respective symbols of the dvivne troops.Therefore, the space becomes dual level territorial space which forms by the league of villages and the villages. Of the four leagues of villages, Kocubo League of 12 Villages has the closest tie with Lukang market town. Under the influence of kinship and geography, the interactions between Lukang and Kocubo are displayed in the following four layers:1 .the community space that offers people to live together, 2. the Hsu''s Gak-tans(角頭)communicate to each other, 3.the Hsu-Three-Ma-Tsu(許三媽)’s spheres of belief was composed of the Hsu people living outside and inside the town, and 4.the living space is full of economy, transportation, and defense. This article complements the Lukang studies by filling the gap which has been neglected, and it also helps us to pay attention to the relations between the market town and villages in the traditional settlement of Taiwan by Han people.And this article also lets us to clarify the similarities and differences between the religiously local organizations (religious sphere) and the geographically religious organizations (belief sphere).