



外文關鍵詞:Pingtung County
外文關鍵詞:Ligang Township
中文摘要:屏東平原的平埔族,在與外人接觸之前,過著自由自在的游獵生活。荷蘭人進駐臺灣之後,為了其宗教與經濟的目的,率領軍隊進入屏東平原。塔樓社就在此種局勢之下,於1636年2月4日屈服於荷蘭人的統治。 明鄭時期,經營臺灣的目的在於「反清復明」,鄭氏王朝的願景在大陸而非臺灣。屯田制度的實施,在於使「軍有餘糧」,而非開發土地。下淡水溪以東的屏東平原,只是其補充糧餉而橫徵苛斂之地。 清朝統治初期,屏東平原在漢人陸續移入開墾之下,人口劇增,墾區日廣。清朝當局不察實情,仍然對平埔族課以重稅與勞役,導致八社番民窮困不堪。清廷對臺的族群政策,即是讓臺灣的三大族群形成三層制的分布架構,希望熟番能外禦生番,內防漢人,因此實施了守隘與番屯政策。塔樓社番配合清廷的族群政策,於乾隆年間陸續遷移至守隘與番屯地點,大部分遷往靠山的隘寮、舊寮和阿拔泉一帶。留在塔樓舊址的社民,一部分於道光年間移往東部拓墾。清朝後期,番王帶著族人搬至九如鄉番社定居,塔樓完全由漢人所取代。 日本領有臺灣之後,臺灣總督府為了有效管理,在政治方面,開始著手行政區域的規劃並進行土地調查與戶口普查。地方上則雙管齊下,以「以日治台」之警察制度與「以台治台」之保甲制度來管理人民。塔樓為里港庄第六保,由里港警察官吏派出所管轄。農業方面,改進水稻生產技術,指導農民發展農業,塔樓成立了苗代組合與農事實行組合。另外,於昭和年間完成下淡水溪治水工程,此時堤防興建工程,僅建造至塔樓正北方、潮厝庄外而已,對於塔樓西邊的廣大溪埔地並沒有保護作用,使得塔樓西邊之溪埔旱田,整個流失殆盡,損失難以計數。交通方面,鋪設道路、橋樑與製糖鐵道等地方建設,有了較為便利的交通方式。教育方面,推廣國民教育。對於失學者,則可利用晚上至國語講習所學習。由於日本政府的各項建設與政策的實施,使得塔樓逐漸邁向現代化之路。 戰後的塔樓,地方自治選舉中,可看出其和諧與民主的輪替過程。塔樓國民小學的獨立設校更可看出村民對教育的注重,使得塔樓培育出各行各業傑出的人才。塔樓的人口主要係以自然成長為主,大部分從事一級產業。近年來,因嬰兒出生率持續下降,而老年人口比例偏高,塔樓已進入高齡化的聚落。因聚落地理位置較為封閉,因此,塔樓仍維持相當濃厚之農村氣息。 1977年農地重劃後,農作物運輸與灌溉、排水系統問題解決了,長方形農地亦較為方便配合機械作業,使得傳統的農村耕作型態,亦隨之而有所調整。原以稻作為主之傳統產業,在政府的稻作政策引導下紛紛改變謀生產業。經濟作物以蓮霧與棗子居多,養殖業則以泰國蝦最為興盛。若以塔樓村廟─三坪祖師廟為中心,可看出整個塔樓由內而外之土地空間利用呈現三層分布,第一層為聚落;第二層為農業與牧業利用;第三層為養殖漁業利用。 塔樓在1982年,成立塔樓社區理事會。於1993年改組,正式成立塔樓社區發展協會,推動村中各社區團體的成立,並舉辦各項社區活動。至今成立的團體計有長壽俱樂部、社區媽媽教室、守望相助巡守隊、社區志工等。每年定期與持續辦理的社區活動有社區環村晨跑運動、親子書法研習班、資源回收、大港洋排水溝美綠化工程。更於2005年通過行政院文建會為促進社區健全多元發展,達到社區全面改造的「六星計畫」。2006開始著手以老麗伯的藥草園(養生農園)為主題的「塔樓健康社區六星計畫」,預計以三年的時間來完成整個計畫。可見,塔樓已經開始朝向成為「健康長壽社區」而努力。
英文摘要:Before making contact with outsiders, the Pingpu tribe had been leading a nomadic life on the Pingtung Plain relying on hunting and fishing to fulfill their dietary needs. After the Dutch came into Taiwan, they led the army into the Pingtung Plain to conduct their religious and economic expeditions. The Swatelauw succumbed to the Dutch rule on February 4, 1636 under such conditions. During the period of Ming Cheng, the main mission of the government in Taiwan was aimed at "opposing the Ching and to restore the Ming." The vision of the Cheng Dynasty was set on the mainland rather than Taiwan. The introduction of the cultivation system was to prepare “surplus provision for the army," rather than for land development. The Pingtung Plain is located to the east of the Lower Tam Shui River, which at that time was nothing but a place for their replenishment of provisions and collection of exorbitant dues. During early period of the Ching Dynasty rule, Han Chinese moved in and settled in the Pingtung Plain. As the population increased in great numbers, the reclamation area grew larger by the day. However, the Ching Dynasty was unaware of the miserable life in the tribal villages. The local government still charged heavy taxes and demanded slave labor from the Pingpu tribe, which eventually led to the Eight Tribal Community Savages. The Ching Dynasty enforced the Taiwan''s ethnic policy, which was to isolate the three major ethnic groups in Taiwan to form a three-tier population structure, in which they made the civilized tribal villagers to deal with the uncivilized tribal villagers, and on the other hand guarded against Han Chinese. In such situation, the Ching government carried out the ‘defending the pass and promoting villager settlement’ policy. Therefore, tribal villagers of Swatelauw Community started to conform to the Ching’s ethnic policy. During the Chien Lung years, the tribal villagers gradually moved to the tribal settlement areas, most of them relocated to the Ai-liao and Jiou-liao, and Abba-chuen areas. For those villagers still staying in the Swatelauw Community, part of them moved to the eastern region to settle during the Dao Guang years. In the late Ching period, the savage leader led his followers to Jiou Ru Hsiang to settle down, and since then the Swatelauw Community was entirely taken over by Han Chinese. After the Japanese occupied Taiwan, for the effective management of the local inhabitants, Taiwan Governor implemented a political reform by introducing the planning of administrative regions and conducting land survey and population census. Locally, the Japanese used a two-pronged approach, "Japanese to govern Taiwanese" for the police system and the "Bao Jia” household registration system to administer the local people. Swatelauw Community was the sixth Bao in Li Gang Chuang, which is within the jurisdiction of Li Gang Police Station. On the agriculture end, the government improved rice production technology, and guided the farmers to develop high value crops, thus Swatelauw Community became a seeding nursery cooperative and farming cooperative community. In addition, the Lower Tam Shui River Water Conservation Project was completed in the Showa years. But in fact the dike at that time only extended to the north of Swatelauw Community, terminating at the outskirt of the Chao Chu Chuang. For the vast area of the creek upland on the west side of the Swatelauw Community, there was no flood protection, resulting in complete loss of the rice field to the west of the Swatelauw Community during subsequent flooding. On the transportation side, the laying of roads, bridges and construction of sugar production railway provided more convenient ways of transportation. On the education side, the government promoted the national education programs for local inhabitants, and established workshops for those with no chance of receiving formal education in the past, so that they could learn Mandarin during night time. Because of the various construction and policy implementation by the Japanese government, Swatelauw Community was gradually modernized. In post-war Swatelauw Community, the local government elections obviously had created harmony and democracy in the changeover process. From the establishment of the independent Swatelauw Elementary School, it is evident that the tribal villagers have paid emphasis to education for their younger generation. Over the years, Swatelauw Community has produced outstanding talents in all walks of life. The population growth of Swatelauw Community was the result of natural phenomenon, with the majority engaging in the first level industry. In recent years, due to the declining birthrate, and the high percentage of the elderly population, Swatelauw Community has entered the stage of aging tribal community. However, the tribal community is still rather closed due to its geographical location, so even today Swatelauw Community still maintains a very strong tribal orientation. After the re-zoning of agricultural land, transport of produce, and irrigation and drainage system problems were resolved in 1977. Since rectangular-shaped agricultural land is also more convenient for mechanized operations, the traditional rural farming patterns have been gradually adjusted. Originally, rice growing was the main trade for the tribal villagers, but the situation changed under the guidance of government''s rice policy. They have gradually shifted to new industries to make a living. Economic crops such as wax apple and jujube are becoming the bulk produce, while the Thai shrimp aquaculture is thriving. If taking the 3-ping Pioneer Father Temple as the hub of the Swatelauw Community, in terms of utilization of land in Swatelauw Community, it can be observed that the community is extending outward in a three-tier distribution pattern. The first tier is villager settlement; the second tier is the agriculture and animal husbandry; and the third tier is aquaculture and fisheries. In 1982, Swatelauw Community set up the Swatelauw Community Council. After restructuring in 1993, it was formally established as Swatelauw Community Development Association, in charge of promoting the establishment of community groups for villagers and organizing various community activities. So far, the established community groups include the longevity club, community mother’s classroom, community watch ranger team, community volunteers, and so on. Regular and sustained community activities are held at regular intervals all year round, which include organizing community-wide morning walk campaign for villagers, parent-child calligraphy workshops, resource recovery, and the greening and beautifying Ta Gong Yang gutter project. In addition, the passing of the diversified community development program by the Council for Cultural Planning, Executive Yuan, in 2005 enables the community to achieve a comprehensive transformation with the "Six-Star Program.” Starting in 2006 with the old Lebo’s herb garden (health Farm) as the theme of "Six-Star Swatelauw Health Community Plan," the whole project is expected to be completed in three years time. Clearly, Swatelauw Community has changed a great deal and is moving toward a "longevity and health community."


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