蘆雪聯吟 櫳翠乞梅 寶琴製謎 晴雯補裘 祭宗祠 探春理家 岫烟訂親 寶玉生日 賈敬卒 璉娶尤二 黛玉私祭 Meeting to recite poems in the nunnery of snowy weed Begging for plum flowers in the nunnery of lung-tsui Pao-chin wrote riddles for the lantern festival Ching-wen patched up the fur coat Worshiping the shrine Tan-chun kept the family estate The engagement of Hsiu-yen The birthday of Pao-yu Chia Ching-tsu Chia Lien married a second wife Tai-yu offered sacrifices privately