簡介:DiplopodaPolyzoniidaSiphonotidaeRhinotus purpureusThe Rhinotus purpureus is long and slim like the Glyphiulus granulatus. Most tend to be around 1cm in length although some individuals grow to more than 2cm. Purplish-red in color, the most distinctive features of this millipede is its triangular head as well as the large eye spots on either side of the head. The species is common around human habitation and has been collected from Kenting and Jhushan in Nantou. This particular species was also only formally recorded and published in Taiwan by Dr. Zoltan Korsos in 2004. 紫色鼻馬陸Rhinotus purpureus的體形與顆粒雕囊馬陸一樣呈細長形,一般體長約在1公分左右,少數個體超過2公分以上。本種的體色呈紫紅色,最大的特徵是呈三角形的頭部,及頭部兩側大型的單一眼點。牠們廣泛分布在人類棲所的附近,墾丁、南投竹山等地都有採獲紀錄,本種在台灣也是到 2004 年才被 Dr. Zoltan Korsos 紀錄發表。