簡介: 擬旋刺馬陸Pseudospirobolellus avernus屬於擬旋刺馬陸科Pseudospirobolellidae,外型與磚紅厚甲馬陸極為相似,但體色為深褐色,觸角則為純白色,體型較小,一般體長在2公分左右,有時會出現在植物園的樹上。本種的蟲卵經常會隨著園藝用的培養土四處散佈,因此這種馬陸常常會出現在家中的陽台或盆栽底下。本種雖然普遍,但目前為止,尚未紀錄到台灣的馬陸名錄中。Diplopoda山蛩目SpirobolidaPseudospirobolellidaePseudospirobolellus avernus The Pseudospirobolellus avernus belongs to the Pseudospirobolellidae order. It has a very similar appearance to the Rusty Millipede but is dark-brown in color and has pure white antennae. The millipede is also smaller in size at around 2cm and can sometimes be seen on the trees around the botanical garden. The eggs of this species are often spread through gardening soil so the millipede frequently appears on balconies and under potted plants. Despite its common distribution, this species has not yet been formally recorded in the millipede registry of Taiwan.