簡介:Order PolydesmidaFamily ParadoxosomatidaeAsiomorpha coarctataIntroductionThe Asiomorpha coarctata is a relatively small millipede with adults growing to around 3cm in length. The body is flat in shape with black dorsal plates. There is a bright yellow patch on either side of every body segment. This is one of the most common millipedes seen in central Taiwan. Sometimes they emerge in very large groups but the reason for this startling sight remains unknown. The millipede can be found throughout Taiwan in various habitats near houses. 粗直形馬陸Asiomorpha coarctata的體型較小,成蟲的體長約3公分左右,身體呈背腹扁平的形狀,身體的背板為黑色,每個體節兩邊各有一鮮黃色的斑塊。牠們是台灣中部最為常見的馬陸之一,有時會成群地大量出現,景象十分驚人,但目前仍無法確認其成群出現的原因。本種廣泛分布於台灣各地,出現在居家附近的各種棲地。
學名原始發表文獻:Saussure, H. L. F. de 1860. Essai dune faune Myriapodes du Mexique avec la description de quelques espèces des autres parties de l’Amériue. Mémoires de la Sociètè de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle de Genève. 15: 260-393.