林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁125、190&*王震(一八六七-一九三八),字一亭,號署白龍山人。浙江吳興人,寄居上海。早年從任伯年習畫,中年後拜吳昌碩為師,其作兼有兩家之長,風格雄健,題材無所不能,筆墨縱橫,大幅小幀,皆揮灑自如。 本幅成畫於庚申(一九二○)年,畫蘆葦掩映間,一舟循江而行。蘆荻舟渚,蒼厚鬱勃,人物筆意簡率,確更見傳神。 本冊為林誠道先生捐贈。 &*Skiff and Reeds Wang Chen (1867-1938) Republican Period Wang Chen (style name I-t’ing, sobriquet Pai-lung shan-jen) was a native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang, who resided in Shanghai. In his early years, he studied painting from Jen Po-nien, but from his middle years onward followed Wu Ch’ang-shih, combining the virtues of both. Wang’s style was robust, and he excelled at many painting subjects in a variety of manners, including large and small works, all of which he commanded at will. This painting donated by Mr. Lin Ch’eng-tao was done in 1920 and shows a skiff making its way under cover of dense reeds. The skiff and islet by the reeds are all done in a mature and hoary manner, the figures appearing sketchily rendered but still clearly revealing their spirit.