林誠道先生林宗毅先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁26、170&*諸升(一六一八-一六九○ 後),字日如,號曦庵,仁和(今浙江杭州)人。師魯得之(一五八五-?),善畫竹,《芥子園畫傳》中之《竹譜》,即出於其手。 此軸雖定名為諸升,但無作者名款印信。所繪叢竹奇石,墨色清潤,寫竹勁挺秀拔,橫斜曲直,皆不失法度,且葉葉交錯,層次分明。巨石下細草叢生,迎風生姿,形成動靜對比,不失為一傑出佳作。 本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。 &*Bamboo Chu Sheng (1618-after 1690) Ch’ing Dynasty Chu Sheng (style name Jih-ju, sobriquet Hsi-an) was a native of Jen-ho (modern Hangchow, Chekiang). In painting, he followed Lu Te-chih (1585-?) and excelled at bamboo painting. In fact, “The Manual of Bamboo” in The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting was done by him. Though this work is attributed to Chu Sheng, no seal or signature indicating the artist appears. The clump of bamboo and garden rock are done in pure shades of ink, and the tall and straight bamboo bends slightly but not irregularly. Leaves also crisscross in an orderly arrangement. Grasses below the rock bend in the breeze to form a balance of stillness and movement suited to this masterpiece of bamboo painting donated by Mr. Lin Tsung-i.