蔣嵩(約活動於西元一四六五-一五二一年),號三松,金陵(今南京)人。善山水、人物,宗吳偉,用水墨飛舞最入時人眼,然評者每謂行筆粗莽,多越矩度。 一泓秋水,短艇盪漾,艇前高士,抱膝回顧飛鴻,旁置以岩巖,水邊蘆葦叢生,上方樹陰猶濃。浙派畫家,善用大量水墨,蓊鬱氣氛,益見江邊幽深景緻。此幅用墨至濃,行筆雖快,並無飛揚跋扈之病。 本幅為「明人便面集錦」冊第七開。 &* 蔣嵩(約十五、十六世紀),號三松,金陵人。善畫山水、人物,畫宗吳偉,為明代浙派名家之一。喜用焦墨枯筆,最入時人之眼。時與鄭顚仙、張復、鍾欽禮、張路等人交遊,皆因縱筆豪放,致被吳派譏為「狂態邪學」。 泥金紙上繪江岸巨石,扁舟一葉浮波而行,船上乘者,回首眺望遠際飛禽。此幅選自明人畫扇集冊第七幅。 &* Chiang Sung was a native of Nanking who excelled at painting landscapes and figures after Wu Wei. He was a master of the Che School and often used scorched ink. Known for his wild brushwork and spontaneous style, he was labeled along with others as one of the “Wild Eccentrics” by the more orthodox Wu School. In this painting done on gold-flecked paper is a large rock by a river bank as a flat boat floats by. A passenger on the boat looks back at a bird flying in the distance. This is the seventh leaf from the album Paintings on Fans by Ming Artists (Ming-jen hua-shan chi-ts’e). &*林誠道先生林宗毅先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁20、168&*1.〈明蔣嵩山水圖〉,收入陳階晉、賴毓芝主編,《追索浙派》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁185-186。