林建同(西元一九一一-一九九四年),原名逢欣,廣東新會人。廣州市立美術學校畢業、日本大學社會學士。擅山水,畫梅尤為精絕,倍受賞贊。曾入大風堂,執贅於張大千之門,以求深造。 本幅畫梅枝輾轉伸延,老幹橫斜,屈曲蒼勁,新枝枒杈,雪梅綻放;數筆淡墨竹葉,益顯雅秀韻致。款題:「凌厲冰霜節愈堅,人間乃有此癯仙;坐收國土無雙價,獨立東皇太乙前。」畫成於民國四十九年(一九六○),時五十歲。此四屏為林紀凱、林紀穗女士捐贈。 &*Four Panels of Plum Blossoms Lin Chien-t’ung (1911-1994) Republican Period Lin Chien-t’ung (original name Feng-hsin) was a native of Hsin-hui, Canton. He graduated from the Canton City School of Art and pursued further education in Japan. He specialized in painting landscapes, but his representations of plum blossoms were especially refined and admired by many. He was also a student of the modern master Chang Ta-ch’ien. In this painting, the main branch of a plum tree twists and turns with vigor in this composition that spans four scrolls. The main trunk extends diagonally with new branches sprouting forth vertically and horizontally. The white buds stand out from the grey background and complement the dots of falling snow. With a few brushstrokes in light ink for the bamboo leaves, they suggest an elegant touch of greenery along with the pure blossoms. The inscription on one of the panels, dated to 1960, describes the virtues of the hardy plum blossom with political overtones. These panels were donated to the Museum by Lin Chi-k’ai and Lin Chi-hui.