王新衡先生遺贈書畫展目錄,頁32、50&* 徐悲鴻(西元一八九五-一九五三年),江蘇宜興人。一九一九年至一九二七年間,曾赴法、德等國留學,研習古典寫實主義的油畫技法。返國後,兼攻水墨畫,力倡中西畫風的融合,對民初的畫壇及美術教育影響深遠。本幅為王一方先生捐贈,是徐氏四十八歲的作品。全作竹葉的墨色變化多端,竹竿的兩側特別以較粗的墨筆強調,充分表現竹竿的立體感,是一幅他所提倡中西畫的典型作品。&*Monochrome Ink Bamboo Hsü Pei-hung (1895-1953) Republican Period Hsü Pei-hung, a native of I-hsing in Kiangsu Province, studied in France and Germany from 1919 to 1927. He learned the oil painting techniques of Classical Realism. After returning to China, he turned to monochrome ink painting and achieved a fusion of Chinese and Western styles, becoming a major figure in painting circles and art education in the early Republican era. This work, donated by Mr. Wang I-fang, was done by Hsü at the age of 47. The bamboo leaves throughout reveal a variety of ink tones. The bamboo stalk was done with ink wash in the middle and thicker brushwork for the outlines, creating emphasis and a sense of volume. This is typical example of his style advocating the fusion of Chinese and Western painting.