王新衡先生遺贈書畫展目錄,頁30、49-50&*吳子深(1893∼1972),原名華源,初字漁邨,後字子琛,號桃塢居士,江蘇蘇州人,曾赴日本考察美術。其家為吳中望族,收藏宋元古畫甚富。山水遠師董源,近宗董其昌,筆墨清秀。 本幅畫雲山景緻,前段松樹三株挺立坡石上,寫松盤屈之態;中段山石樹叢間,寺宇飛瀑隱現雲氣中;後段白雲繞山,隱入天際。一如自題詩所云:「高闊堪俯仰,溪流映天没。煙翠模糊中,巉巉見山骨。」 王新衡先生捐贈於民國77年。 (20120106)&* Wu Zishen (original name Huayuan, early style name Yucun, later style name Zishen, sobriquet Taowu jushi), a native of Suzhou in Jiangsu, went to Japan to study art. He was from a prominent Suzhou family with a large collection of ancient paintings, including from the Song and Yuan dynasties. His painting traced back to the style of Dong Yuan and later to Dong Qichang for a pure and elegant manner. This cloudy landscape painting has a foreground revealing three tall gnarled pines on a rocky slope. In the middleground are landscape elements and trees with temple buildings and a cascade concealed in the mists. The background shows white clouds swirling around mountains reaching to the skies. The poem inscribed by the artist reads, “Looking up lofty and wide, a river reflects the sky’s end. In a blur of misty green, lofty peaks reveal bones of the mountains.” Mr. Wang Hsin-heng donated this painting to the National Palace Museum in 1988. (20120106)