顛道人,生卒年不詳,江蘇江寧人,字山彤,號頑子,僑寓揚州,擅長山水、花木。性好飲酒,醉後任意揮灑,極有奇趣。人問姓名均置不答,因呼之為顛道人,或謂道人姓胡。本幅畫高峰聳立,樓閣微露於山腰,畫法以荒率之筆,揮灑中如見畫家直抒性情。本幅為黃君璧先生捐贈。 &*The Late Return of Idle Clouds Tien-tao-jen Ch’ing Dynasty (1644-1911) Though little is known about the figure Tien-tao-jen, said to be surnamed Hu, he reportedly was a skilled painter of landscapes and flowers. By nature, Tien-tao-jen was fond of wine, and, when drunk, he is said to have uninhibitedly splashed ink, creating unusual paintings. But when asked for his name, he refused to answer, and thus came to be called Tien-tao-jen (“The Crazy Taoist”). This landscape portrays tall, upright peaks with pavilions nestled within. The painting is described with rough, animated brushwork that allows the painter to directly express his feelings. This painting was donated to the Museum by Mr. Huang Chün-pi. &*黃君璧先生捐贈文物特展目錄,頁39-40、50