蔡辰男先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁73、127&* 陸恢(西元一八五一-一九二0年),江蘇吳江人。原名友奎,字廉夫,號狷庵、破佛盦主人。工書畫,山水受業於陶詒孫,花卉初學劉德六,上追惲南田。受吳大澂賞識,曾入其幕府,飽覽藏品,藝得銳進。 此幀畫成於民國七年(一九一八),時六十八歲。由題款知為仿五代名家董源之作。巒峰樹石,幽潤深遠,筆墨韻致顯淡雅雋逸。本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。 &*After Tung Yüan’s Rivers and Mountains Lu Hui (1851-1920) Ch’ing Dynasty Lu Hui excelled at painting and calligraphy. He learned to paint landscapes from T’ao I-sun, and his early study of flower painting was from Liu Te-liu in the tradition of Yün Shou-p’ing (1633-1690). After Lu’s works were noticed by Wu Ta-cheng, Lu was invited to stay at his residence. Studying Wu’s collection, Lu’s style changed dramatically. This painting was completed in 1918 at the age of 67. From the inscription, we learn that it was done after a work by the famous 10th century artist Tung Yüan. Hills, trees, and rocks extend back into the lush and distant mountains, the brush and ink harmonizing with them to reveal the obvious elegance and refinement of the work. This painting was donated to the Museum by Mr. Ts’ai Chen-nan.