故宮受贈文物選萃,頁87、159&*蔡辰男先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁111、132&*傅抱石(西元一九○四-一九六五年),江西新喻人。原名瑞麟,號抱石齋主人。早年留學日本,畢業於東京帝國美術學校。擅畫山水、人物。其融合中西畫法,並師法自然,為現代山水畫大家。 本幅為蔡辰另先生捐贈,畫雪峰聳立,三人在雪地行走。全作用筆靈動,乾濕兼備。前景樹石墨氣淋漓,與留白的雪山形成強烈的對比,頓覺寒氣逼人。全作筆簡而意遠,老辣中又見瀟灑之趣。&*Fu Pao-shih, a native of Hsin-yu in Kiangsi, studied as a youth in Japan and graduated from the Tokyo Imperical Fine Arts School. Specializing in landscape and figure painting, he synthesized Chinese and Western techhiques while also studying from nature. Advocating innovation, he became one of the masters of modern Chinese painting. This work, donated by Mr. Ts'ai Chen-nan, depicts 3 figures walking through mountain scenery in snow. The painting is done in spirited brushwork, both moist and dry. The moist ink of the foreground trees and rocks creates a dramatic contrast against the blank areas of the peaks representing snow, heightening the sense of cold. The casual yet mature brushwork is also abbreviated and remote. &*1.劉芳如、陳階晉、譚怡令、何炎泉,〈近代書畫名品選萃〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第310期(2009年1月),頁74。