徐悲鴻(西元一八九五-一九五二年),江蘇宜興人。曾至法國留學習畫,歸國後,兼攻水墨畫。歷任中央大學藝術科教授,北平藝專校長。 一馬臨風而立,英挺雄偉。本幅以大筆寫意方式描繪,故具有傳統的筆趣墨韻。而徐氏畫馬時,已融入他習素描所養成之觀念,故在寫意中,亦帶有相當程度的西畫影響。畫成於民國三十七(西元一九四八)年,時五十四歲。 &*Painting of a Horse Hsü Pei-hung (1875-1952) Republican Period Hsü Pei-hung was a native of Yi-hsing in Kiangsu Province. He traveled to France to study painting, and after returning to his own country he practiced monochrome ink painting. He was later employed as a professor in the art department at Chung-yang University and later as the president of the Pei-p’ing Art Academy. A horse stands facing the wind; his posture is powerful and courageous. Because this painting was executed in the rectangular format with the large brushstrokes of the hsieh-i style, it conveys the flavor of traditional brush and ink methods. When Hsu painted horses, he blended the familiar images and ideas of his youth with elements drawn from the hsieh-i style. His work also reflects considerable influence from Western painting. This particular painting was completed in 1948 when Hsü was fifty-three years old. &*1.林柏亭、張華芝,〈民國徐悲鴻畫馬〉,收入林柏亭、張華芝編,《畫馬名品特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1990年元月初版),頁108-109。 &*吉星福代表張振芳教授伉儷捐贈文物目錄,頁112、182