林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁36、頁172-173&*呂世宜(一七八四-一八五五),字可合,號西村,泉州金門人,道光二年(一八二二)舉人,因周凱(活動於十九世紀前半)推薦,應聘板橋林家,協助收集金石書畫,所購得之書籍及金石拓本,立下臺灣金石學基礎。呂氏工篆書古文,尤長於隸書,此幅隸書採右行式,古拙中帶逸氣的篆、隸書風,別有韻緻,對於臺灣清領末葉和日治時期書壇具重要影響。 本幅為林宗毅先生捐贈。 &* Lü Shih-i (style name K’o-ho, sobriquet Hsi-ch’un) was a native of Chin-men, Chuanchow. A Provincial Graduate of 1822, he was recommended to assist the collecting of painting, calligraphy, and inscriptions on bronze and stone for the Lin Family of Banciao by Chou K’ai (fl. 1st half of 19th c.). The books and inscription rubbings he bought became the basis of bronze and stone studies in Taiwan. Lü excelled at seal script and ancient writing, especially clerical script. This work donated by Mr. Lin Tsung-i reads from top to bottom as usual, but from left to right. The archaic and untrammeled clerical-seal script has a unique quality that had an important influence on calligraphic circles of the late Ch’ing and Japanese colonial period in Taiwan.