余承堯(西元一八九八〜一九九三年),福建人,生於清末,投身軍旅。曾入日本士官學校,回國後在黃埔軍官學校執教。後出掌部隊,參加戰役,隨軍跋涉,抗戰後卸甲歸園。後輾轉來台。 余承堯書畫作品獨樹一格,畫作靈感從軍旅生活所得,筆墨別於傳統,卻有北宋山水畫之雄奇壯麗。本幅草書「峻峻石骨自天來。屹立雲間大展開。一生藍光明五色。清空顯得更璀嵬。」書於一九九三年。 洪淑華女士捐贈於民國八十六年。 (20120106)&*Yu Cheng-yao, a native of Fujian, was born in the late Qing and devoted himself to military matters. He attended the Japanese military school and after his return to China taught at the Whampoa Military Academy. He afterwards took command of troops and participated in fighting, leading troops into battle. After the Sino-Japanese War, he quit the military and returned home, later heading to Taiwan. Yu Cheng-yao's painting and calligraphy were in a style of their own, the inspiration for his paintings coming from his life experiences and travels in the military. His brushwork differed from that of tradition, featuring the heroic majesty of Northern Song landscape painting. This work in cursive script reads, "Lofty stony bones from the Heavens come, towering among the clouds as they unfold. The blue light of life in all its colors, the pure void even more glittering." This piece was written in 1993. Ms. Hung Shu-hua donated this work to the National Palace Museum in 1997. (20120106)&*余承堯(1898-1993)、福建の人、清代末期に生まれ、軍に身を投じた。日本の士官学校に入学し、帰国後は黄埔軍官学校で教鞭を執った。後に部隊を指揮して戦役に出征し各地を跋渉したが、抗戦後は退役して帰郷。その後に幾多の波乱を経て来台した。 余承堯の書画作品には独自の風格があり、かつての軍隊生活から着想を得ている。伝統的な筆墨とは異なるが、北宋山水画特有の雄偉壮麗な風がある。本作の草書による詩文「峻峻石骨自天来。屹立雲間大展開。一生藍光明五色。清空顕得更璀嵬。」は1993年に書かれたもの。 民国86年(1997)洪淑華女史寄贈。 (20120106)