臺靜農先生遺贈書畫展覽,頁77、128&*臺靜農(西元一九O二—一九九O年),安徽霍邱人。字伯簡,晚號靜者。為當代著名文史學者、書法家,歷任國內各大學中文系教授。靜農先生習隸書,凡是出於臨摩,幾乎全出於臨〈石門頌〉,可見靜老對石門頌寢饋之深了。石門刻在今陜西省褒城縣,書風雄厚奔放。靜老此書,祇覺處處自然,如村童野老,不假修飾。作隸筆筆脈絡貫通,生氣磅礡,而又有一種用行書筆意所作的隸書。款識甲午,是八十二歲所書。 本件為臺靜農先生遺贈。 &* T’ai Ching-nung (style name Po-chien and late sobriquet Ching-che) was a native of Huo-ch’iu, Anhwei province. He was an important scholar of literature and history in Taiwan as well as a gifted calligrapher. He served as professor in the Chinese departments at numerous universities in the mainland and Taiwan. When T’ai Ching-nung did calligraphy, he often practiced in clerical script, most of which was based on his copies after the Shih-men Eulogy inscribed on a cliffside. Judging from this work, we notice that his knowledge of the inscription must have been quite profound. The Shih-men cliff inscription is located in Pao-ch’eng County in Shensi province and is characterized by its rugged and free style. T’ai Ching-nung did this copy in his old age, when his vision and interpretation was more natural. With the innocence of a child, he does not pretend ornamentation. When doing clerical script, the energy of the brushstrokes pulses through the work, creating a style that results in clerical script having the flow and spirit of running script. T’ai Ching-nung did this work in 1983 at the age of 81. This piece was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. T’ai Ching-nung. &*臺靜農(西元一九○二-一九九○年),安徽霍邱人。原名傳嚴,後改名靜農。為當代著名文史學者與書家。 〈石門頌〉刻於陜西省褒城縣,為東漢時期隸書摩崖形式的典範,靜農先生遍臨漢碑,隸書主要得力於〈石門頌〉。原碑石刻,用筆縱橫勁拔,書風奔放。此書運筆融合篆隸法,結體疏濶,以顫筆模擬摩崖石刻,質樸自然。本件款識甲子,為先生八十二歲所作。(20110101)&* T’ai Chin-nung, native to Huoqiu, Anhui, was a famous modern scholar of humanities and calligrapher. Shimen Eulogy, carved at Baocheng County, Shaanxi Province, is a classic example of Eastern Han clerical script calligraphy on a cliff. T’ai Chin-nung copied much from Han steles, with most of his clerical script brush force coming from the Shimen Eulogy. The original stone engraving used brushwork with strong horizontal strokes, the style unrestrained. T’ai’s calligraphy has brushwork fusing seal and clerical script methods, the characters more expansive. The trembling manner imitates the cliff engraving, giving it a simple, natural aura. This work with a cyclical date, bequeathed by T’ai to the Museum, was done at the age of 82.(20110101)