故宮受贈文物選粹,頁70、143&*臺靜農先生遺贈書畫展覽,頁76、128&*臺靜農(西元一九O二—一九九O年),安徽霍邱人。字伯簡,晚號靜者。為當代著名文史學者、書法家,歷任國內各大學中文系教授。本幅,共收兩簡。第一簡在原書《屯戌叢殘》第六頁第二面第四簡,記邊塞舉烽之事。第二簡在原書《小學術數方技書》第二頁第一面第四簡,為急就篇第十八章殘文。原文大小恰如黃豆,將它展為大幅,而精神氣勢了無遜色。所以靜老不禁自贊:「此不知何年習作簡書,放大書之,居然能不失漢人筆意」。 本件為臺靜農先生遺贈。 &* T’ai Ching-nung (style name Po-chien and late sobriquet Ching-che) was a native of Huo-ch’iu, Anhwei province. He was an important scholar of literature and history in Taiwan as well as a gifted calligrapher. He served as professor in the Chinese departments at numerous universities in the mainland and Taiwan. This work is a copy done after two Han dynasty bamboo slips. The content of the first one records the construction of a watchtower at the border of the Han empire, while the second one is a partial transcription of the eighteenth chapter from the Chi-chiu Essay. The characters in the original text were small, about the size of a soybean, but in this interpretation, they have been enlarged considerably to suit the hanging scroll format. The result is a heroic spirit that permeates the work. Even T’ai Ching-nung could not help but comment in his old age that “Even though I do not remember when I did this copy of bamboo slips, when enlarged as such, it surprisingly captures the spirit of Han dynasty calligraphy.” This piece was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. T’ai Ching-nung. &*臺靜農(西元一九O二〜一九九O年),安徽霍邱人。字伯簡,晚號靜者。為當代著名文史學者、書法家。 本幅臨漢簡二則,放大書之,漢簡原文字蹟如豆,展為大幅,別有一番精神氣勢。二則內容可見於羅振玉、王國維合撰《流沙墜簡》。第一簡「扁書亭燧顯處。令盡諷誦知之。精候望。即有烽火亭燧回度舉。毌必。」為有關漢代烽燧制度下邊塞舉烽之事。第二簡「(車杳)(革鬼)(革兒)(戶乙)縛棠轡勒鞅韅黑蒼室宅廬樓殿塞」,為殘文。一九八八年書,時年八十。 臺益堅先生捐贈於民國七十九年。 (20120106)&* Tai Chin-nung (style name Bojian, late sobriquet Jingzhe), a native of Huoqiu in Anhui, was a famous contemporary scholar in the humanities and calligrapher. This work is a copy of two sections of Han dynasty bamboo slips transcribed in enlargement. The characters on the original Han slips are about the size of a bean, but here done much larger to give them a different spirit and vigor. The contents of the two pieces can be found in Slips in the Shifting Sands (Liusha zhuijian) co-authored by Luo Zhenyu and Wang Guowei. The first deals with the system of beacon fires used in the Han dynasty on the frontiers for communication. The second one is only a fragmentary text. This work was calligraphed by Tai Chin-nung in 1988 at the Chinese age of 80. Mr. Tai I-chien donated this work to the National Palace Museum in 1990. (20120106)