何應欽將軍遺贈書畫展圖錄,頁51,106 &*于右任(西元一八七九—一九六四年),陜西三原人,清季加入同盟會,民國二十年以後任監察院長,擅書法、詩文。于右任書法早期根植北碑,體勢魁偉,並參入木簡,別具神韻,中年以後轉方為圓,並倡「標準草書」。本聯「乾坤一夕雨,草木萬方春。」結字圓潤醇厚,不露使轉之跡,有楷書的端正卻有草書的速度,首聯的「乾」字筆劃中有章草之意,質樸豪邁,氣象沉雄。本幅為何應欽將軍捐贈。&* Yü Yu-jen, a native of Shansi, participated in the establishment of the Republic of China. Serving as Director of the Investigative Yüan, he was also famous for his calligraphy, poetry, and writing. Yü’s early style was rooted in the Northern Stele tradition, making it powerful and grand. He also studied ancient wooden slips to give his calligraphy a unique style. In his middle years, his style went from square to rounded. He also sought to standardize cursive script. The characters in this couplet are round and bold, revealing no traces of the brush turning. It has the uprightness of standard and speed of cursive script. The first character in the upper right is in chang-cursive style to give it a direct and bold feeling. This work was donated by Mr. Ho Ying-ch’in.