何應欽將軍遺贈書畫展圖錄,頁20-21,99-100 &*何紹基(一七九九~一八七三),字子貞,別號蝯叟,湖南道縣人。道光十六年進士,曾任翰林院編修,先後在山東、湖南、浙江等地講學,有詩文集流傳於世。何氏書學根基深厚,從顏真卿楷書入手,同時臨習古文字、漢隸、北碑,日久熟悉各家筆法,寫出屬於自己的風貌。這幅楷書摘錄《農桑輯要》先賢務農治理地方的經驗,筆意深得顏體淳厚的氣息。本幅為何應欽將軍捐贈。(20120409)&*He Shaoji (style name Zizhen, sobriquet Yuansou), a native of Daoxian in Hunan, was a Presented Scholar of 1836 and became Compiler in the Hanlin Academy. Over his career, he lectured at schools in Shandong, Hunan, and Zhejiang; his literary collection also surviving. The roots of He’s calligraphy are deep, starting with Yan Zhenqing’s regular script. He also copied ancient writing, Han clerical script, and Northern steles, becoming familiar with the brushwork of masters to form his own style. This transcription in regular script is from Brief Points on Agriculture and Sericulture, presenting the ancients’ thoughts on agricultural affairs and the brushwork strongly reflecting Yan Zhenqing’s style. This work was donated by General Ho Ying-ch’in.(20120409)