蔡辰男先生捐贈書畫目錄,頁45、122-123 &*1.〈民國齊白石篆書五言聯〉,收入劉芳如主編,《書畫裝池之美》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁80。 &*齊白石(西元一八六四—一九五七年),湖南湘潭人。原名純芝,後更名璜,字萍生,號白石。年少學木工,善雕花。二十七歲始學書畫,詩文,篆刻。卒年九十五歲。本幅篆書五言聯,聯文為:「群持山作壽;常與鶴同儕。」白石篆書吸取周、秦、兩漢精華,得力於「三公山碑」及「天發神讖碑」。是幅下筆穩健蒼勁,極其老辣,應為晚年之作。 本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。 &* Ch’i Pai-shih, a native of Hunan province, studied carpentry as a youth and excelled at wood sculpture. At 26, he began to study calligraphy, painting, poetry, and seal-carving. Later, in his sixties, he set up residence in Peking, selling paintings and carving seals for a living. He also taught at the Peking Art Academy. This pair of scrolls transcribes a couplet composed of two lines in five characters each. His seal script was influenced by the study of ancient rubbings and inscriptions, especially those carved on stone stelae. The brushwork is stable and strong, exhibiting the confidence of a mature calligrapher. This is a late work by Ch’i Pai-shih that was donated to the Museum by Mr. Ts’ai Chen-nan.