譚伯羽譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈文物目錄,頁183、306 &*何紹基(1799-1873),字子貞,號蝯叟,湖南道縣人。道光十六年進士,其初擔任翰林院編修,因無心仕進,後於山東、湖南、浙江等地講學,熱衷金石學研究,有詩文集流傳於世。此幅立軸書錄蘇軾〈酒經〉一段文字,率意寫來頗有斜風細雨之勢。何氏書法有顏楷作根基,放筆作行書亦見韻致瀟散,在經意與不經意之中得其自然。本幅為譚伯羽、譚季甫先生昆仲捐贈。(20110913)&*He Shaoji (style name Zizhen, sobriquet Yuansou), a native of Daoxian in Hunan, was a Presented Scholar of 1836 and first served as a Junior Compiler of the Hanlin Academy. With no desire to seek higher office, he later went to teach in the Shandong, Hunan, and Zhejiang areas. Ardently studying bronze and stele inscriptions, he also left behind a collection of writings. This hanging scroll is a transcription of a section of characters from Su Shi’s “The Classic of Brew,” the straightforward writing having force like wind and rain. He Shaoji’s calligraphy is rooted in the regular script of Yan Zhenqing, his releasing the brush to do running script revealing a very harmonious and liberated manner, achieving a sense of naturalness that lies between intent and non-intent. Messrs. Tann Boyu and Tann Jifu donated this work to the National Palace Museum.(20110913)