陳蘭甫先生書畫特展目錄,頁15、100&*陳澧(一八一O∼一八八二)字蘭甫,又字蘭浦,世人尊稱東塾先生,廣東番禺人。三十歲以前曾嘗試科考之路,三十歲以後全心講學著述,先後主講學海堂、菊坡精舍,終身教學不倦,所著《東塾讀書記》、《切韻考》備受世人推崇。陳氏真草篆隸均有造詣,這幅隸書橫披氣格渾厚,筆法從漢〈乙瑛碑〉悟入,略加收束波磔,出以沉著。本幅為陳之邁先生捐贈。(20120409)&*Contemporaries respectfully referred to Chen Li (style names Lanfu and Lanpu) as “Mr. Dongshu.” Native to Panyu in Guangdong, before the age of 30 he pursued the civil service exams, but afterwards tirelessly devoted himself to writing and teaching, lecturing over his career at the Xuehai (“Sea of Studies”) Hall and Jupo School. He was praised for such writings as Record of Studies by Dongshu and Studies on Qieyun. Chen Li was also accomplished in regular, cursive, seal, and cursive scripts. In this horizontal scroll of clerical script, the manner is lush and regulated. The brushwork was inspired by the Han dynasty “Yiying Stele” with restraint to the extended strokes for a more subdued quality. This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Chen Chih-mai.(20120409)&*陳澧(1810-1882)、字は蘭甫、または蘭浦、東塾先生と尊称された。広東番禺の人。30歳前は科挙を受験したこともあったが、30歳以降は講義や著述に専念した。前後して学海堂と菊坡精舎で講義を行い、生涯を通して教壇に立ち続けた。その著作である『東塾読書記』、『切韻考』は非常に高く評価された。陳澧は楷書、草書、篆書、隷書それぞれに造詣が深く、隷書の横披である本作には雄渾たる風格が漂い、筆法は漢代の「乙瑛碑」から会得したもので、やや抑え気味の波磔によって深い落ち着きが生まれている。陳之邁氏寄贈。(20120409)