陳澧(一八一O~一八八二)字蘭甫,又字蘭浦,世人尊稱東塾先生,廣東番禺人。三十歲以前曾嘗試科考之路,三十歲以後全心講學著述,先後主講學海堂、菊坡精舍,終身教學不倦,成就備受世人推崇。這幅書聯作於同治九年(一八七O),筆畫勻整,結體呈上下伸展的態勢,氣息溫潤如見其人,聯文云:「音徽與春雲等潤,風儀與秋月齊明」。本幅為陳之邁先生捐贈。(20110407)&* Chen Li (style name Lanfu or Lanpu; respectfully called Mr. Dongshu by contemporaries) was a native of Panyu, Guangdong. Before the age of 30 he participated in the civil service examinations but afterwards devoted himself to studies instead, lecturing at Xuehaitang and Jupo jingshe. Tirelessly he spent his whole life teaching, much to admiration of contemporaries. This couplet was done in 1890. The strokes are even and the characters spread up and down in a gentle manner, much like his own character. The couplet states, “A voice smooth as a spring cloud, a manner clear as an autumn moon.” This work was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Ch’en Chih-mai.(20110407)