漢代塼文的面貌素以多樣化為人稱奇,從古文、繆篆到當時通行的隸書,各種書體同時並行,有時兼融兩種書體,亦予人耳目一新的感覺。由於塼文書法多成於尋常百姓,在隨興刪難省繁之際,間或憑添若干趣味。塼面紋樣與文字之間的安排,往往具見巧思慧心,如此方富樂塼,左右裝飾菱形二方連續紋樣,線條簡明,將隸體兼篆的吉祥文字安置中間,別具美感。本幅為葉公超先生捐贈。(20110407)&*Han brick writing is famous for its great variety, with everything from ancient script and curving mou-seal script to the clerical prevalent then. Different script types were all used, sometimes even with two mixed together, giving a fresh and new look. Since brick calligraphy mostly involved the masses, some freedom in abbreviating or simplifying sometimes added a bit of interest as well. The arrangement of decoration and text on bricks was also often clever, such as this brick of joy and prosperity, in which a continuous diamond-shape pattern on the left and right decorates the surface. The lines are simple and clear, the clerical forms with seal-script auspicious text placed in the middle for an aesthetic effect. Mr. Yeh Kung-shao donated this piece to the National Palace Museum. (20110407)&*漢代の塼文の多様性には感嘆させられる。古文や繆篆から当時普及していた隷書までが同時期に用いられ、時には2種類の書体を融合させており、新鮮な印象を受ける。塼文の多くが一般庶民の手によるものであるため、書き手が好きなように省略したり修正を加える中で、面白味が増している。塼面の文様と文字の配置には工夫を凝らしたものが多い。例えば本作は、方形の左右両側に菱形を連ねた装飾模様が簡潔な線で表現されており、隷書と篆書を融合させたような吉祥文字が中ほどに置かれ、独特の美感がある。葉公超氏寄贈。(20110407)