陳蘭甫先生書畫特展目錄,頁23、102&*根據陳澧(西元一八一○-一八八二年)題記,同治七年(一八六八)潘石朋摹刻琅琊臺刻石於粵秀山學海堂,此軸乃其拓本。 秦始皇於始皇二十八年(西元前二一八)巡行天下,登琅琊臺,由丞相李斯書以小篆記其功德,於二世元年刻石,為存世秦篆代表作品。書法莊重肅穆、氣勢雄渾。與原拓本相較,雖為摹刻本,然結體筆法仍不失渾厚,足見摹刻於書法作品傳承之重要性。本件由陳之藩先生捐贈。 &*Based on Ch’en Li’s inscription, P’an Shih-p’eng engraved a copy of the Lang-ya Terrace stone inscription at Yüeh Hsiu-shan Hsüan-hai Hall, this hanging scroll (donated by Mr. Ch’en Chih-fan) being a rubbing of it. In 218 BC, Ch’in Shih Huang, the First Emperor of China, was on a tour when he ascended the Lang-ya Terrace, Prime Minister Li Ssu composing a record in small seal script of its merits. Engraved in stone the next year, it is now an important example of Ch’in seal script. The calligraphy is solemn and dignified, majestic and imposing. Compared with the original rubbing (and though a copy after an engraving), the characters and brushwork retain the naturally powerful style, showing the importance of engraved copies in calligraphy history.