林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁154、201-202&*俞劍華(1895—1979),名崑,字玉愚,山東濟南人。從陳師曾習畫,善繪山水,亦工花卉。在中國美術史的研究方面成就卓越。曾任教上海藝術大學、暨南大學、南京藝術學院等校。 本幅畫青島附近的嶗山勝景,巒峰陡峭,林木森秀,間有蹬道相通,更有一溪蜿蜒如帶,層層深入,幽遠有緻。畫成於1939年。林誠道先生捐贈。 &*Y? Chien-hua, named K’un and style name Y?-y?, was a native of Tsinan, Shantung province. He studied painting under Ch’en Shih-tseng, excelling in landscapes and also being good at flowers. He achieved renown in researching Chinese art history. He taught at the Shanghai University of the Arts, Tsinan University, and Nanking College of Art. This work depicts the scenic sites at Mt. Lao near Tsingtao. The peaks are precipitous and the forests lush, there being a mountain path that connects them along with a stream winding through like a belt. Layer upon layer recede into the distance, creating a realm of ultimate solitude and depth. This work, done in 1939, was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Lin Ch’eng-tao.