緙絲特展圖錄,頁74-77、104&* 金地五彩織。雲中南極仙翁騎鶴持卷翱翔在雲端。下方則有群仙前來祝壽。織紋工整細密。裝裱的天地、邊綾與本幅為整幅織成。經緯線粗細相同且色澤有光,是乾隆時期緙絲的特色。緙絲以織刻人像最困難,因臉部表情變化不同,在單調的平織中傳達人物神情,是相當困難的。為了加強光影效果,在人物的臉部上有略添筆設色。此類祝壽品,常是重覆製作,有可能是為慶祝皇帝皇后壽辰所用。&* Colored threads were woven against a golden background to represent the Old Immortal of the South riding a crane with wings outstretched. Below is a group of immortals that pays homage. The weaving is fine and steady. Even the borders of this scroll were woven. The uniform threads of the warp and weft as well as the glossy colors are features of Ch’ien-lung (1736-1795) tapestries. Weaving figures is often difficult because of detailed facial features. Showing the spirit of a figure using only vertical and horizontal threads indeed is not easy. To reinforce the sense of lighting, touches of ink and colors were also added to the faces. Such works expressing a wish for longevity were often mass-produced and perhaps used for imperial birthdays.&*1.胡賽蘭,〈清緙絲群仙慶壽圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第100期(1991年7月),頁110-111。