緙絲特展圖錄,頁89、107&*國立故宮博物院緙絲,頁25&* 素地黑色織。草書五言絕句一首:「谿聲聽不住,引出翠微間;晴壑雲無跡,鄰山見數灣。邵彌。」織印三:種瓜五色。吳下阿彌。僧彌。 此幅緙織精工,織面均勻整齊,以草書書體為之,筆意奔放,有張旭、懷素草書的風格。 &* Woven in black silk against a light background are four lines of a five-character truncated verse by Shao Mi also originally calligraphed in cursive script by him. Shao’s signature to the left and his seals were also woven into the tapestry. The weaving of this tapestry is exceptionally fine, and the surface of the threads is very even. Much of the unrestrained and free elements of the brushwork in cursive script calligraphy have been translated into the tapestry here. Shao’s calligraphy falls into the tradition of such “wild” cursive calligraphy of Chang Hsü and Huai-su of the T’ang dynasty. The artisan here was able to render even the finest thinning of the brushwork and the split hairs of the brush that was originally used.