石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁532-534&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁28&*明人畫扇 調一八三9 第七幅 茂林之下,草屋之間,濃墨作欄柵,欄柵畫處,粗筆點竹收煞。一林一屋,虛實照應甚工。門前小溪,泊一短艇,漁夫負釣竿登岸而歸,溪外山嵐夕照,山影糢糊,與近樹相襯,山光樹色,其景宜人。自題:「入市歸來欲暮天」,眞詩中有畫。是周臣面目,惟已加入長皴,融成自家面目,暫定為三十七歲作品。&*Beneath a flourishing grove of trees are three thatched cottages. A fence is painted with dark ink, and beside it are bamboo touched in with dots of ink. The areas of solid and void are handled with great skill. In front of the cottages is a small stream in which a short skiff is moored, while a fisherman carring a pole is climbing the bank on his way home. Beyond the stream the mountains are bathed in a sunset glow; their forms are indistinct and echo the contours of the trees. The light on the mountains and the colors of the trees are a delight to the eye. T’ang Yin inscribed the painting in these words: “He has been to the market and now returns home under the sunset sky”; the feeling of the painting is fully captured in its poetic inscription. The style is derived from Chou Ch’en, but T’ang Yin has added long texture strokes, a mark of the emergence of his personal style, which occurred when he was around 36 years old.