故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁166&* 顧見龍,江蘇太倉人,字雲臣,生在明神宗萬曆三十四(公元一六○六)年,死年不詳,清康熙二十六(公元一六八七)年尚健在,並任職內廷畫院當祇侯。工畫人物故事,又善於臨摹古蹟,幾可亂眞。他的花鳥畫雖非專長,但偶而游戱之作,筆情墨趣,草草見意,自有種瀟洒的情態。&* Ku Chien-lung (tzu Yün-ch’en) was from Wu-chiang in Kiangsu. He was born in 1606 and was known to still be alive at the age of 81. A Court Academy painter, he excelled in figure painting scenes, and also in the skillful copying of old masters. Although his specialty was bird and flower painting, he occasionally painted amusing subjects. His brushwork was free and rather abstract, exhibiting a dashing and casual spirit. &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十九冊,頁60-69