故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165 &*上睿(西元一六三四-?),僧,江蘇蘇州人。字潯濬,號目存,又號蒲室子。山水得王翬指授,有唐六如筆意,花鳥得惲壽平法。亦善人物,詩工秀。當路薦入京師,旋以疾告歸。少居瑞光寺,後居東禪寺,與惠士奇,張大受結詩社。明崇禎七年甲戌生,卒年不詳。 本幅為名人畫扇冊下第八幅。 &* Monk Shang-jui was a native of Suchou in Kiangsu province. His style name was Hsun-jui and sobriquets were Mu-ts’un and P’u-shih-tzu. In landscape painting he received Wang Hui’s instruction and was able to acquire the style of T’ang Ying; in flower and bird painting he obtained the style of Yun Shou-p’ing. He was also good at figure painting and wrote refined poems. Recommended by some high official, he went to the capital and was employed in government, from which he took leave on account of ill health and returned home. In his youth he stayed at the Jui-kuang Temple, but eventually lived at the Tung-ch’an Temple. He organized a poets’ association with Hui Shih-ch’i and Chang Ta-shou. This painting is from the album Fan Paintings by Renowned Artists.&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十九冊,頁102-105