故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165&*李炳,畫史無傳,生卒事蹟籍貫均不可考。 本扇面為合作畫三友圖,由王武畫松,李炳畫梅,高簡補竹,王、高二人都是清初時人。李炳理當同一時代。梅花畫法,也是綜合圈瓣、倒暈二法,運筆用墨,都有法則。 &* Li Ping is not recorded in the histories of painting, and nothing is known of his life. This fan painting was executed by three friends: Wang Wu painted the pine, Li Yin did the plum, and Kao Chien added the bamboo. Wang and Kao were both active in the early Ch’ing Dynasty, indicating that Li must have been painting at the same time. In painting the plum blossoms, he combined the outline petal technique with that of darkening the area around the blossoms. His handling of brush and ink conform to the traditional methods.