石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁501&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165&* 孫克弘(又作克宏),字允執,號雪居。江蘇華亭人。生於世宗嘉靖十二(公元一五三三)年,死在神宗萬曆三十九(公元一六一一)年。一生勤習書法繪畫,天資旣高,又能用功,對於古人廣師博學,他的山水學馬遠,雲山學米芾,花鳥學徐熙趙昌,水墨竹石學文同,蘭草學鄭思肖,佛道人物學梁楷,都頗有成就。晚年隱居在東郭草堂,又專心一意於畫梅。他的作品,一般說來,因為有臨古的底子,再摻雜現實的寫生,所以,形象逼似自然外,另外還有一種筆墨的趣味。&*Plum and Bamboo Sun K’o-hung (1533-1611) Ming Dynasty Sun K’o-hung (tzu Ch’ung-chih, hao Hsüeh-chu) was a native of Hua-t’ing in Kiangsu. He was endowed with a natural sharpness of wit and expressed his ideas forcefully in his painting and calligraphy. Eclectic in his choice of models, he took a different master for each style of painting: Ma Yüan for landscape, Mi Fei for snowy mountains, Hsü His and Chao Ch’ang for bird and flower paintings, Wen T’ung for inkbamboo and rocks, Cheng Suo-nan for orchids and grasses, and Liang K’ai for Buddhist and Taoist figures. In old age he lived in retirement at the “thatched hut east of the wall” and devoted himself completely to painting plums. Because he combined careful study of the ancients with observation of nature, his paintings possess both versimilitude and good technique.