石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁498&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁165&* 項德裕(生卒年不詳,活躍於十六世紀後半),為項元汴之姪。其父元淇為元汴長兄,與陳淳交往甚密,亦為風雅人物。德裕長於書香世家,亦能書畫藝事。然作品流傳甚少,難得一見。 景作江畔高山,雲光樹影。雖寥寥幾筆,含蓄有韻,別有意趣。款識為「甲申(一五八四)夏仲。項德裕倣米南宮筆意」。本幅選自「明人便面畫冊」第二冊第十五開。 &* Xiang Deyu was a nephew of Xiang Yuanbian. His father, Yuanqi (1500-1572), was an elder brother of Yuanbian and associated closely with the scholar-artist Chen Chun (1483-1544), also becoming known for literary accomplishments. Deyu thus grew up in a scholarly family and was gifted in painting and calligraphy. Few of his works circulated, making this example rare. The scenery here is a riverbank and high mountains highlighted by clouds and trees. Though featuring but a few brushstrokes, it is quite rich in appearance and suggestion. The work is inscribed, “In the 2nd month of summer in the jiashen year (1584), Xiang Deyu painted this in the brush idea of Mi Nangong (Fu).” This is the 15th leaf from the 2nd album in “Albums of Fans by Ming Artists.”