故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁163&* 談志伊,字公望(一字思重),別號學山,江蘇無錫人。能寫文章,又會書法與繪畫,畫花卉翎毛,前人評論稱:「點染娟秀,得宋人法外之趣。」&* T’an Chih-i (tzu Kung-wang and Szu-chung, hao Hsüeh-shan) came from Wu-hsi in Kiangsu. He was an able essayist as well as calligrapher and painter. He specialized in painting flowers and birds, which a former critic characterized in this way: “The ink and colors are elegant and refined, achieving a flavor different from that of the Sung.”