石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第四冊,頁1837&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁113&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁233-234&* 張若澄,若靄弟。清安徽桐城人,乾隆乙丑(一七四五)進士。字鏡堅、鏡壑,一字鍊雪,善畫梅,並工翎毛。 乾隆丙寅(一七四六)初冬幸五臺山,中途遇雪,曾命若靄寫鎮海寺雪景。庚午(一七五0)再遊,又遇雪,因憶前事,命若澄賡作,並題詩記其事。若澄筆力似不勝其兄,此圖較若靄略覺拘謹。 &*The Ch’en-hai Temple in Snow Chang Jo-ch’eng Ch’ing dynasty (1644-1911 A.D.) Chang Jo-ch’eng (tzu Ching-chien, Ching-pi, Lien-hsüeh) was the younger brother of Chang Jo-ai. He received the chin-shih degree in 1745 A.D. A particularly skilled painter of plum blossoms, he was also known as a painter of birds and animals. In early winter 1746 A.D., the Ch’ien-lung Emperor travelled to Wu-t’ai-shan. The entourage encountered snow along the way and Chang Jo-ai was ordered to paint his Ch’en-hai Temple in Snow. In 1750 A.D. another trip was made and once again the travellers met snow. Because of the emotion of the previous experience, the Emperor commanded Chang Jo-ch’eng to execute a painting on the same theme and he himself appended a poem. That Chang Jo-ch’eng ‘s brushwork is similar to, but less successful than that of his brother is evidenced by this painting which lacks the sense of all-embracing reverence present in the earlier scroll. &*1.馮明珠,〈張若澄畫鎮海寺雪景〉,收入馮明珠主編,《乾隆皇帝的文化事業》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2002年初版一刷),頁88。 2.馮明珠,〈乾隆皇帝和他的文化顧問們〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第235期(2002年10月),頁67-68。