故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁309-312&*石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第七冊,頁3375&*董邦達(一六九九-一七六九),字孚存,浙江富陽人。雍正十一年(一七三三)進士,曾參與編修石渠寶笈等書,官至禮部尚書。畫山水宗法董其昌,以清麗勝。本幅以長卷形式描繪鳥瞰所見西湖諸景。西湖十景之名源自南宋,清康熙南巡時敕令重修,並題名立碑建亭,再現盛觀。畫中筆致鬆秀細潤,隨處標示各景點的名稱,相較於院藏同畫家所繪以西湖個別景觀為題的立軸,更接近全景地圖的性質。&* 董邦達(西元一六九九-一七六九年)浙江富陽人,字孚存,號東山。雍正十一年(一七三三)進士,官至禮部尚書。畫山水法董其昌,以清麗取勝。西湖三面環山,風光旖旎,名甲天下。四時景致變幻多端,千姿百態,不但引發無數文人雅士的創作靈感,同時也觸動古今多少藝術家的情思,本卷即為一幅繪製西湖風光的作品,董氏並以隸書標註了西湖五十四處的景點,為一幅忠實的紀遊之作。&*Tung Pang-ta, a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang, was a Presented Scholar of 1733 and served up to Minister of Rites. In landscape painting, he followed Tung Ch’i-ch’ang’s style and achieved the manner of Yüan painters, excelling at purity and beauty. West Lake is surrounded on three sides by hills and is famous for its scenic sites. The changes in the scenery through the seasons have not only inspired the writings of innumerable scholars, but they have also instilled emotions in many artists through the ages. This handscroll is a depiction of the scenic areas around West Lake. Tung Pang-ta also inscribed labels in clerical script for 54 places in the area, creating a painting that is also a faithful re-creation of traveling through this famous place.