石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1754&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁47&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁233-236&* 蔣廷錫(西元一六六九-一七三二年),江蘇常熟人。字揚孫,號酉君,又號西谷。官至文華殿大學士,工畫花卉草蟲,以逸筆寫生,沒骨花鳥畫繼承惲壽平風格。 梅竹盤折於畫面中心,枝條橫斜穿插,構圖奇峭。筆法爽捷勁健,錯雜粗率而有韻致,別有逸趣。用淡墨渲染枝幹,重墨點綴花蕊,墨色淡逸雅致。 &* Chiang T’ing-hsi (style names Yang-sun and Hsi-chün, sobriquet Hsi-ku) was a native of Ch’ang-shu. As an official, he rose to the rank of Grand Secretary of the Wen-hua Hall. He also excelled at depicting insects-and-flowers, and he also painted from nature using a spontaneous manner. In terms of bird-and-flower painting in the “boneless” (wash) style, he followed the style of Yün Shou-p’ing (1633-1690). Branches and stalks of plum and bamboo cross in this painting, making for an unusual composition. The brushwork is relaxed yet vigorous and the forms are unbalanced yet rhythmic, creating a dynamic relationship in what might otherwise be a dull subject. The branches are rendered with washes of light ink, and the blossoms are dotted with ink, creating a sense of variety.