故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁31&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十五冊,頁213-218&*燕文貴(活動於西元十一世紀),浙江吳興人。曾流落京師,販貨為生,畫院待詔高益知其精於繪事,因而薦予畫院。其山水人物俱佳,尤善四季景物,人稱之「燕家景」。 本幅畫長江沿岸風光,景色變化多端,或盤渦走險,或遠岸浮天,或亭台樓閣,或荷塘田疇。用筆工緻,命局亦佳。&*Yen Wen-kuei was a native of Wu-hsing in Chekiang. He was an impoverished peddlar at the time his talents in painting became known to Kao I, a Painter-in-Attendance at court. Kao I thereupon recommended Yen to the Painting Academy. Yen's landscape and figure paintings were exceptional, but he so excelled at painting"Master Yen's Scenery." This painting is of the continuous shore of the Yangtze River which has many scenic points, eddies, precarious passes, distant shores, lofty skies, assorted buildings, lotus ponds, and fields. The brushwork is delicate and the compostition excellent.