石渠寶岌三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3229&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁273-281&* 葉欣(活動於十七世紀後半)字榮木,本籍華亭(上海),流寓金陵(南京),善山水畫,有秀韻清遠之氣,是清初金陵八家之一。 這幅畫選自「周亮工集名家山水冊」。作於順治四年(一六四七),是現存葉欣畫蹟中最早的一幅。全畫筆墨及設色都很雅淡,構圖簡潔,藉著迂迴縈繞的溪水,呈現出平遠遼闊的景象。 &* Yeh Hsin, a native of Shanghai who resided in Nanking, excelled at landscape painting. Known for the elegant harmony and pure remoteness of his paintings, he was one of the Eight Masters of Nanking in the early Ch’ing. This leaf is from Album of Landscapes by Famous Painters Collected by Chou Liang-kung. Done in 1647, it is the earliest surviving work by Yeh Hsin. The brushwork and coloring are both light and elegant. The composition is simple yet refined, depicting a stream meandering across a scene of barren and distant vastness.