石渠寶岌三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3229&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁273-281&* 龔賢(西元一五九九-一六八九年),江蘇崑山人,流寓金陵清涼山。字半千,又字野遺,號半畝。性孤僻,與人落落難合。工詩文,行草。自謂所作山水,前無古人,後無來者。用墨濃厚,別開生面。 本幅谿山疏樹,為清周亮工集名家山水冊之第七開。墨色渾厚,果是其特色。 &*Trees Scattered among Mountains and Streams Kung Hsien (1599-1689) Ch’ing Dynasty Kung Hsien, a native of K’un-shan in Kiangsi, spent most of his life in Chin-ling (modern Nanking). His style names were Pan-ch’ien and Yeh-i and his sobriquet was Pan-mou. Of a solitary disposition, he kept mostly to himself. He was accomplished in poetry, writing, and semi-cursive calligraphy. He himself said that the style of his landscapes had no prototypes and would have no imitators. The rich, dense ink of this painting is a hallmark of Kung Hsien’s style and constitutes a significant departure from previous standards. &*1.〈清龔賢谿山疎樹〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《山水畫墨法特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年七月初版),頁68。